Dani Guardiola’s blog
A powerful pattern for building extensible UI components that achieve more with less.
A deep dive into how Lexical updates its state.
An interactive walkthrough of an algorithm to pick an avatar's color based on the user's initials.
No LinkedIn? No problem! Here's how I exploited weak validation to find a job anyway.
There's life beyond the return if you're willing to try.
A deep dive into how Lexical updates its state.
An interactive walkthrough of an algorithm to pick an avatar's color based on the user's initials.
A simple React hook to track the loading state of an image.
No LinkedIn? No problem! Here's how I exploited weak validation to find a job anyway.
A detailed recipe for building open/closed React components, plus a few tips.
An introduction to the Lexical text editor framework and the "Lexical, explained" series.
Misusing the radix parameter for evil purposes is fun and easy... and it can go wrong!
A deeper look into the advantages of open/closed components, and why you should Use The Platform™.
Using :has() to solve a decades-long CSS limitation.
Achieve 100% mastery in every single math course on Khan Academy.
Let's go under the hood and see what LexicalNode does for us.
The open/closed pattern seems to be at odds with the constrained nature of a design system, but I disagree!
Nothing to see here, keep walking.
Using math to solve the x, y, z, aa, ab, ac... problem.
Exploring lexical nodes and the node tree.
A few real-world examples of the open/closed pattern in action + awesome libraries that follow it.
You're looking at my drafts!
Visit the main site: dio.la